SG Learning Experience – Stoke Your Fires – Student Symposium


Tuesday 12th March 2014


Stoke Your Fires – Student Symposium. A symposium organised by Staffordshire University consisting of a series of debates, screenings and lectures.

There were three film screenings in total: the first a romantic comedy named ‘How to be Happy’ which was  the first feature film created by the Universities post-graduate course in Ireland; the second was called ‘After Cease to Exist’ directed by John Bradburn; and the third was a BYFA (British Youth Film Academy) film adaptation of Oliver Twist, directed by Arno Hazebroek called ‘Olivia Twist’ – which was filmed in Stoke-on-Trent over approximately 25 days.

The main debate was centered around the question: Why make Features?, which was a panel discussion involving  the audience with James Fair, Peter Rudge and Arno Hazebroek, after the question was raised on twitter. The general response was:

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